Star Trek 917: Once a Hero...

917. Once a Hero...

PUBLICATION: Star Trek v.2 #19, DC Comics, May 1991

CREATORS: Peter David (writer), Gordon Purcell and Arne Starr (artists)

STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue)

PLOT: After the death of a young security guard, Kirk struggles with finding something to say at his funeral. He was new and little known, but he did save his life. Kirk remembers how pirates stole a Federation freighter, passed themselves off as the crew, and ambushed Kirk and crew when the got too close. Ensign Lee threw himself in front of a deadly disruptor blast. In the end, Kirk makes a moving speech about the need to explore each other as well as space, and that no man should remain unknown and expendable.



PANEL OF THE DAY - Kirk is so awesome, he wakes himself up in the morning by pouring coffee into his lap.
REVIEW: I had a hard time connecting with Peter David's last gasp, principally because it was so talky. Kirk preparing a eulogy is worthy, but the pirate plot/subplot made heavy use of long and boring exposition. It features Scotty kicking ass, but that's pretty much it. I suppose the story hits or misses based on Kirk's final eulogy, and that at least is good. David manages a decent "ode to the redshirt" (if only that had been the title!) that is both clever and touching. Had it been filmed, it could have been one of Kirk's great speeches. On the art, Gordon Purcell is back for a while, and everything's right with the world.


hiikeeba said…
Sadly, the story came out about a year after the episode of MASH where Hawkeye eulogized a nurse who died, and Kirk's speech was pretty much a rip-off of that. So, like you, I was not too fond of the story.
hiikeeba said…
What was I thinking? This came out long after MASH ended. Still, it reminds me of that episode.
Anonymous said…
Putting a name on the Red Shirt and making us care about him. Some of Peter David's finest work.