Siskoid Radio: Geek Out! - April 7th

"If you've ever beat someone at Magic just so you could sell him your winning deck, you might be a geek..."

This week, I'm fighting a cold, but the best radio voices are the ones that sound like you've been smoking a pack a day for the last 20 years, so... My reading of RPG stats for creatures mentioned in songs last week was a bit of a hit, so I'm gonna keep doing that. It's a good way to transition into songs. I'm also trying out new features to better fill the last half-hour. If you couldn't listen or understand the French interventions, I supply the episode's playlist, with You-Tube links where available.

Intro tune: Doctor Who IX - Murray Gold
Ouverture du Gala para académique - Justin Guitard (by popular demand because he's a friend of ours who wrote and sang a parody of the year in review - excuse the sound, it was recorded in a closet)
Geek News: This week's headlines include the Eisner nominations and how there isn't a New Series category this year despite DC putting out 52 of them.
Furr - Blitzen Trapper (+TORG stats for the werewolf)
Flash Theme - Songs and Stories of the Justice League
Comics round-up: Basically a few of the week's tweeted comic book reviews
Me Party - Amy Adams and Miss Piggy
TV recommendation: Greg the Bunny
U.S. Movies - Les Sherpas (sadly, this band has no Internet presence, booo, because their music is awesome)
Movie anti-recommendation: Having fun with the blaxploitation film Hot Potato
The Wrestler - Bruce Springsteen
Geek Band: Ookla the Mok
Secret Identity - Ookla the Mok
Super Powers - Ookla the Mok
Super Skrull - Ookla the Mok
I'm the One That's Cool - The Guild
Geek 101: CCGs
The Judoon Song - DrGaz (+DWAITAS stats)
Featurette: Deus ex Machina, why geeks are more wary of this device than most
Silmarils - Mackina
Featurette: Cryptozoology (the following song is about legendary lake monsters from Nessie to Poénégamook)
Boisson d'avril - Groovy Aardvark (+GURPS stats)
Goodbyes and your Doctor Who theme of the week (with wonderfully sad lyrics):
Doctor Who Zer0sen Remix - Patrick Wade Runyan

The show's on CKUM Radio every Saturday between 7 PM and 8:30 PM Atlantic Time (-4 GMT) on 93,5 FM in the Moncton area, or online, while capacity isn't exceeded, HERE. (Note that there won't be a show next week as the station is doing special programming around the East Coast Music Awards. As it turns out, I had to give my time to a charity event anyway.)
